Movie Review On- London Heist Showing on Netflix 2018


No.19 Home (Netflix)

Always been a huge gangster movie fan and even more so British gangster movies but like the horror genre it has become very hard to find a good one,

Kept seeing this pop up on Netflix but didn’t know anything about it other than it starred a couple of good British actors so thought I’d give it ago,

Right from the start I was into it, it had all the DNA to make a great movie and to be honest it’s a really good solid movie and I’d recommend it to any crime movie fan,

Craig Fairbrass and Nick Moran nailed it for me, Fairbrass pulling off the hard-man role he has nailed so many times in the past and Nick Moran returning to he’s character in Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels only this time he is an old school dodgy looking police officer.

Worth a watch

 Well worth a watch 4/5

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