Movie Review For The Thriller Prodigy – 2018


Movie Review For The Thriller Prodigy – 2018

This is my review on the movie Prodigy 2018

No.48 Home

If you imagine Hannibal Lecter as a 8 year old girl you wouldn’t be far from this film.

Thought the young girl played an amazing role in this in actual fact she showed the adult actors up. 

Enjoyed watching this, it has a solid story and builds up tension well, boarder line TV movie but don’t let that put you off, the young girls definitely makes this movie, has a Hannibal Lecter feel to it minus the appetite.

Worth a watch  

Review: 3/5

If you like this you might like: Hannibal, The Forth Kind, silence of the lamb

Fun fact: The entire movie uses only four locations: The interrogation room, the control room, the hallway, and the park in the epilogue.