Movie Review For The Package Streaming On Netflix 2018


Movie Review For The Package Streaming On Netflix 2018

This is my review on  movie The Package

No.71 Home (Netflix)

About the movie: 

When a group of teenage friends go on a spring break camping trip, an unfortunate accident sets off a race against time to save their friend’s most prized possession.


Talk about being taken by surprise, Thank you once again Netflix I haven’t laughed this much in ages.

From the start I could tell this was going to be right up my street, It has a modern day American Pie feel to it was some laugh out loud moments.

This will be one of them comedies you watch again and again and still find funny.

Verdict: A must see 


Review: 4/5


Fun facts: Within SECONDS of you lopping your junk off and competent first aid (ie someone with first aid training who knows what to do for a heavily bleeding wound, and not just “put pressure on it!”), followed by a significant effort by trauma ER personnel, you would likely survive…. Alone? Probably not.

If you like this you may like: American Pie, Without A Paddle, Dude Where’s My Car, Road Trip.
