Movie Review For The Dinner Showing On Netflix 2018


Movie Review For The Dinner Showing On Netflix 2018

This is my review on movie The Dinner

No.81 Home

Two sets of wealthy parents meet for dinner to decide what to do about a crime their sons have committed.

It’s not often I turn a movie off half way through watching but this was so boring I couldn’t bare it anymore so I turned it off and put something else on, then my movie mind got the better of me and convinced me to finish watching it so I could 1, see if it got better and 2, write a review.
Well I wish I hadn’t listened to my movie mind and watching the rest of the movie was as painful as the first half.
One thing I would say and this is the only reason I give it a 1/5 and not a 0/5 I thought Steve Coogan had a good american accent.
This definitely goes into my all time worse movie list, Two hours of my life I’ll never get back.

Terrible movie 


End credits:

Fun facts:
The author of the book ‘The Dinner’, Herman Koch, walked away from the European premiere in Berlin on February 10, 2017. He did not wish to stay for the after-party, nor talk to the director, cast members or audience. The reason was that he did not like the movie at all. (I totally agree with him)

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