Movie Review for – The Circle starring Tom Hanks – 2018

The circle
The circle

This is my review on the Tom Hank Movie The Circle 2018

The circle
The circle

No. 24 (Netflix)

About the movie:

Didn’t know anything about this apart from it had Tom Hanks (who never makes a bad movie) and the chick from Harry Potter (which I have never seen any of them) the easiest way to describe this movie is to say it’s like a sinister version of Apple that obsessed with power.

How it flows from the start:

Decent story line that does a good job paint a picture of who’s who and their backgrounds.


There is a good message to this film about how much we rely on technology and easy people get obsessed with new trends, I thought the film was good but not great, I think they could of gone a bit darker with the story but it took a long time to get to the dark bit then it was all over.

If there is nothing else on give it a go

Review: 2.5/5

The circle
The circle

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Fun Fact: The Circle’s HQ looks very similar to Apple’s new campus ‘Apple Park’