Movie Review For Spiral : From The Book Of SAW – cinema 2021


My Movie Review For the Film Spiral : From The Book Of SAW

I’ve been a huge SAW fan from day dot and love everyone of them (even the 3D one but only because the ended smashed it)
I was a bit gutted they didn’t carry on the story from Jigsaw as it worked perfectly but a SAW movie is still a SAW movie…

I liked this but didn’t love it, it felt like a SAW movie but at the same time didn’t feel like a SAW movie.
The kills worked but seemed to be missing something and I didn’t think the story had the same edge as they normally do and the ending didn’t feel as clever.

The thing that spoilt this for me was the voice of the bad guy… Jigsaw had such an iconic horror voice but the voice they went with in this movie was comical, I know Chris Rock is a comedian but don’t bring comedy to a SAW film.

All in all its a good movie just not a great movie


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