Movie Review For SAW 4 Available On Blu-Ray 2018


Movie Review For SAW 4 Available On Blu-Ray 2018

This is my review on the SAW 4 movie

No.88 Home

Despite Jigsaw’s death, and in order to save the lives of two of his colleagues, Lieutenant Rigg is forced to take part in a new game, which promises to test him to the limit.

I love all the movies from the SAW franchise but this is one of my favourites. The storyline is awesome with its computer game style story, the use of the multiple storylines all happening at the same time is amazing. They smashed it with the blood and gore and as always the film finishes with a jaw dropping ending. I’ve watched this movie at least ten times and still love it as much as the first time.

A masterpiece 


End credits:

Fun facts:
The seamless transitions between separate scenes in the movie were not created using (digital) visual effects, but were done practically. For these transitions, the sets were build in such a way that two separate scenes could be filmed in one shot without interruption.

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