Movie review for Red Sparrow – 2018

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This is my review on the film Red Sparrow – starring Jennifer Lawrence

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No.11 Cinema

If it’s got Jennifer Lawrence in it it’s going to be good, not only does she look stunning she is such an amazing actress.

Like all spy films you need to pay attention and this is no different, just when you think you know whats going on the story takes a turn and throws you off the scent to who they are looking for.

Jennifer Lawrence doesn’t make bad films and this one just adds to her many great movie roles, the fact she strips fully naked at one point is just a plus, solid story that keeps you guess until the end, it’s a little on the slow side and is a long movie but it works. If you like your spy films your like this.

worth a watch

Rating: 3.5/5

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If you like this you may like: Atomic Blonde, Allied, Kingsmen,

Fun Fact: Jennifer Lawrence got into a bar fight while filming in Budapest.