Movie Review For Rampage – In Cinemas Now 2018


Movie Review For Rampage – 2018

This is my review on the movie Rampage  2018

No.17 Cinema


Taken from an old school computer game and brought to the silver screen, when a dangerous chemical turns the friendly George into an angry massive beast he will need he’s best friend Dwayne Johnson to save him but is it to late.


This was exactly what I was expecting… easy watching entertainment, a cross between King Kong, San Andreas and Godzilla this has enough entertainment and action to switch off and enjoy, some cool action mixed with some solid CGI topped off with some cheesy bits we’ve come to expect from a Johnson movie.

Always gonna be a marmite movie but I thought it was pretty good.

Verdict: Worth a watch  

Review: 3.5/5 


If you like this you might like: Kong; Skull Island, San Andreas, Godzilla, Planet of the apes

Fun fact: The sign language sign Davis uses for himself (down-facing fist on top of other down-facing fist) is actually the sign for rock.