Movie Review For Looking Glass Streaming On Netflix 2018


Movie Review For Looking Glass Streaming On Netflix 2018

This is my review on Looking Glass movie 

No.77 Home (Netflix)

About the movie: 

A couple buy a desert motel where they find that strange, mysterious events occur.


Every now and then I have to take one on the chin to warn you guys about a movie and this is definitely one of them movies.

Nicolas Cage’s movies for me are always hit or miss and this one falls into the miss bargain bucket.

It had potential to be a good storyline with a dark creepy side to it but unfortunately it couldn’t get past the poorly wrote script and wooden acting.

Verdict: Give it a miss 

Review: 1.5/5


Fun facts: The film seems to be an exaggerated Hollywood version of the true life story of Gerald Foos told in the (2017) documentary Voyeur in which he owned a Colorado motel and secretly watched his guests using specifically designed ceiling vents.

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