Movie Review For Leatherface Streaming On Netflix 2018


Movie Review For Leatherface Streaming On Netflix 2018

This is my review on Leatherface movie

No.61 Home (Netflix)

About the movie:
A teenage Leatherface escapes from a mental hospital with three other inmates. They kidnap a young nurse go on a road trip while being pursued by a lawman out for revenge.

Always a bit of a worry when a known franchise movie doesn’t make it to the cinema, I went into this open minded. It’s better then I thought it would be but nowhere as good as the other movies in the franchise. Decent origin story and some cool blood and gore.

Some of the story was rushed and I didn’t like the strobe light kills used in the nut house but other that its good.

Verdict: Worth a watch  

Review: 3/5

Fun facts: Stephen Dorff plays Sheriff Hal Hartman in this film, who is the father of Burt Hartman from Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013).

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