Movie Review For How It Ends Showing On Netflix 2018


Movie Review For How It Ends Showing On Netflix 2018

This is my review on How It Ends movie

No.67 Home (Netflix)

About the movie: 

A desperate man tries to return home to his pregnant fiancée after a mysterious apocalyptic event turns everything to chaos.


This movie done so many things right but was let down by one thing,

Everything about this movie worked apart from the last 5 seconds, I was left shouting at my screen and wondering how they could of got it so wrong.

Despite the ending this is a great movie and well worth a watch with a solid cast and good story I really liked the fact it keeps you wondering what’s actually happened.

Spoiler: I would of much preferred the cloud at the end covering the car then ended that would of left me not really knowing what happened to them.


Verdict: Good but could of been GREAT 

Review: 3/5 (could of been 4/5)


Fun facts: The Arlington Bridge in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada, shown in some of the scenes, is 105 years old. It was open on February 5 1912

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