Movie Review For Gemini Man Now 2019


This is my review on the movie Gemini Man 2019

No. 39 Cinema

A retiring assassin, Henry Brogan, finds himself pursued by a mysterious killer that can predict his every move. Discovering that he’s being hunted by a younger clone of himself, Henry needs to find out why he’s being targeted and who the creator is.

This had some of the best CGI I’ve seen in a long time, now they have nailed the fact they can bring people back or make actors younger it is endless what they can do. Even though you know the young Will Smith is CGI it is done so well you forget it’s not real.
This had a really enjoyable story with some excellent fast paced action scenes.
It had all the DNA of Will Smith’s other movies and if you like I am Legend or iRobot your gonna enjoy this.
So glad I watched this at the cinema.

Excellent fast paced action movie.


End credits:

Fun facts:
From 2003 to 2010 Nicolas Cage was attached to the project. It was finally due to go into production in 2008, but Cage convinced Jerry Bruckheimer to work on the live-action remake The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (2010) instead.

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