Movie Review Avengers Infinity War – In Cinemas Now 2018


Movie Review For Avengers Infinity War – In Cinemas now 2018

This is my review on the movie Avengers Infinity War 2018

No.16 Cinema

It’s been 10 years of awesome movies and amazing characters and now the time has come to finally meet Thanos face to face with the Avengers.

It’s none stop kickass action from start to finish, lots of giggles with a great story but also very sad.

I’m not sure if this is the easiest review I’ve ever wrote or the hardest because I can’t really say much as I will spoil it for people that haven’t seen it,

What I will say is it was worth the wait and they did an excellent job bringing all the stories and all the characters together in this masterpiece of a movie,

Thanos is an awesome bad guy and proper badass but for me Thor stole the show he is amazing,

I loved every minute of the movie watching with a huge smile on my face BUT I didn’t leave the cinema with a huge smile, this is all I can say until you have seen it.

PS make sure you stay until the end of the credits as there is one post credit scene.

A must see movie  

Review: 5/5 

If you like this you may like: Iron-Man, Thor Ragnarok, Avengers, Captain America Civil War, Spider-Man Homecoming, Dr Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy,

Fun fact: Tom Holland was not allowed to read the script for this film since he revealed too many secrets for Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017).