Movie Review For A Landscape Of Lies Available On DVD & Amazon 2018

A landscape of lies

Movie Review For A Landscape Of Lies Available On DVD & Amazon 2018

This is my review on movie A Landscape Of Lies

No.80 Home

A murder investigation of a decorated war hero becomes the catalyst behind four very separate lives colliding together in an intricate web of betrayal and deceit.

It’s always good to step back from the Hollywood mainstream ‘money is no issue movies’ and watch a movie made on a low budget with a lot of passion.
The writer/director is a friend of mine so I know how much hard work went into this project and the crazy £3.000.000 Tax fraud story that happened behind it.
Looking passed the low budget and some wooden acting by a couple of the cast this was an enjoyable watch with an interesting story.

Good low budget movie A landscape of lies


End credits:

Fun facts:
The film was the result of an attempt to claim £2.8 million in tax credits. Bashar Al-Issa, Aoife Madden, Tariq Hassan, Ian Sherwood, and Osama Al Baghdady all claimed that a Jordanian film company was financing a larger-scale version of the film, with a projected budget of over £19 million.

When the group tried to claim VAT and tax credits, an investigation by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) discovered that no work had been done on the film, and most of the named suppliers had never heard of the project. The group was arrested. While on bail, they made this film, with a much smaller budget, in an attempt to escape prison. Al-Issa was convicted of two counts of conspiracy to cheat the public revenue; the rest were convicted of one count. On March 25, 2013, the five received prison sentences ranging from three years, six months to six years.

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