Movie Review For Without A Paddle: Nature’s Calling streaming on Netflix 2018


Movie Review For Without A Paddle: Nature’s Calling streaming on Netflix 2018

This is my review on the movie  Without a Paddle: nature’s calling – 2018

No.58 Home (Netflix)

Zach and Ben have been best buddies since they were in grade school, Twelve years later, Ben & Zach, now in their mid-20’s, still close friends, but have drifted apart due to making different choices in life, after a meet up they go on an adventure to find an old school love.

After how much I enjoyed watching the first one recently I was looking forward to seeing this, although it started off well it didn’t live up to Without a Paddle, it didn’t have the same spark as the first movie which was a shame, had a couple of funny moments but that’s about it.

Verdict: It’s not great, it’s just OK 


Review: 2/5


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