Movie Review For I Feel Pretty In Cinema’s Now 2018


Movie Review For I Feel Pretty In Cinema’s Now 2018

This is my review on the movie I Feel Pretty – 2018

No.19 Cinema

A woman struggling with insecurity wakes from a fall believing she is the most beautiful and capable woman on the planet. Her new confidence empowers her to live fearlessly, but what happens when she realizes her appearance never changed?

So being a movie critic you have to watch many types of movies with an open mind, not the most manly thing I’ve ever done but tonight I went to The cinema on my own to watch this, if I’m honest I don’t mind a chick flick so I was kinda looking forward to it,

I thought the film was good but the message the film stood for was great, it was really nice seeing someone showing what it’s like being confident and enjoying life,

They could of easily called this Big 2 and even references it at one point

Verdict: Easy watch  

Review: 3/5


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Fun fact: After college, Amy Schumer moved to New York City to become an actress. She tended bar and waited tables while she auditioned for various roles.

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