Best Book – Poet Anderson …In Darkness Book 2018

Poet Anderson

Best book Poet Anderson …In Darkness by Tom Delonge 2018

Poet Anderson

From the moment I picked this book up I was again hooked in the dream world Tom Delonge has built for Poet Anderson.

Just like the first book this captures Poet’s adventures stunningly making this book hard to put down once I started reading it.

Jonas (aka Poet Anderson) the main character again bounces between the real world and the dream world facing formiliar threats which he must overcome to save his world.

This is the second book in the Poet Anderson series which also includes Poet Anderson …Of Nightmares, a graphic novel, a short film, Music album and a movie in the pipeline.

Being a massive fan of Tom Delonge’s music which includes Blink 182 and Angels & Airwaves it’s great to read these books to see some of the amazing ideas that time after time shows how much of a genius he really is.

A must read.