Movie review for Me, Myself & Irene – 2018

Me,Myself & Irene
Me,Myself & Irene

This is my review on the film Me, Myself & Irene

No.30 Home

I’ve seen this movie so many times and I still laugh just as much as the first time I watched it.

Right from the start this film is a comedy masterpiece I literally cry with laughter right to the end.

Jim Carrey is a comedy genius but this movie shows what an amazing actor he really is, the way he changes from one character to the next is excellent and the fight he has with himself at the end is pure class.

This is my all time favorite comedy it is a masterpiece and by far the funniest film I’ve ever seen,

Jim Carrey nails this role I can honestly say no one else could do what he done in this film, all round great cast all bringing something great to the table.

Me,Myself & Irene
Me,Myself & Irene

If you want a giggle this is a must watch.

Review: 5*/5

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Fun Fact: When the boys are doing their homework, one of the expresses his dismay at the fact that Pluto was classified as a planet, sure enough, in 2006 scientists confirmed that Pluto is not a planet.