Movie Review For Annihilation Streaming On Netflix – 2018


This is my review on the film Annihilation showing on Netflix


No. 28

The trailer popped up and looked good so as usual I jumped on to IMDb to get a bit of info, found out it’s from the same people that done Ex-machina so I was sold.

It’s a slow burner but works with the story took about 30 minutes until I was hooked on what was going on.

Natalie Portman is always great in her roles and this is no exception she does an amazing job in this movie.

I really enjoyed this but was left with questions, I feel like I need to watch it again to make sure I got what happened at the end or talk with someone that has seen it.

It has a Aliens meets Predator meets Interstellar feel to it, loved the way the story interacted with the

Rating: 4/5
Rating: 4/5

locations and the bit with the bear.

Well worth a watch 

Review: 4/5  


If you like this you may like: Predator, Aliens, and Interstellar, Ex-Machina.


Fun Fact: One filming location was Holkham Beach, Norfolk in the U.K., during July 2016.

Annihilation is based on the best selling book.