Movie Review For Mute Streaming Now On Netflix Original – 2018


Movie review for Mute a Netflix Original – 2018


No. 21 Home (Netflix)

This is my review on the movie MUTE streaming now on Netflix.

As with most Netflix original movies they just pop up out of nowhere and make a big enough impact to want to watch it, this was no different.

From the beginning this film started ticking boxes with its dramatic opening and unusual mix of storyline.

Even though this films main character is a mute it doesn’t take anything away from the flow of the story.

With its impressive CGI effects and it’s a solid well-paced story topped off with a good twist this really is

My rating

worth a watch.


If you like this you may like: Running Scared, Blade Runner, War On Everyone, Nice Guys.

Totally films Rating4/5


Fun Fact: Alexander Skarsgard is Bill Skarsgard’s (IT 2018) Brother and Stellan Skarsgard (Thor 2011) is their Dad.