Movie Review for 10 Cloverfield Lane


Movie Review for 10 Cloverfield Lane

No. 17 Home

For me Cloverfield is an amazing movie (it’s in my top 100 movies) so this had a lot to live up to,

This is the second time watching 10 Cloverfield Lane, the first time I watched it at the cinema enjoying every second of a ‘Misery  – 1990 movie’ type story unfolded,

by the end of the film I had mixed emotions, one being ‘wow that was great’ and two thinking ‘what has that got to do with the first movie’ as I was expecting a massive monster, but still left the cinema thinking it was a great movie but I had lots of questions,

Watching this the second time and having some of the questions answered I sat back and enjoyed the great story and the awesome acting from Winstead she absolutely nailed her character as did Goodman,

Well worth a watch
