Movie Review For Crawl Cinemas Now 2019


This is my review on the movie Crawl 2019

No. 32 Cinema

A young woman, while attempting to save her father during a category 5 hurricane, finds herself trapped in a flooding house and must fight for her life against alligators.

More intense than a camping trip this does have you on the edge of your seat.
Enjoyable fast paced storyline that shows two of the most unluckiest people I’ve ever watched battling it out against some scary looking alligators.
With some cool special effects and a bit of blood thrown in this made a decent watch.
I’d of liked to of seen the kill count a bit higher and maybe a bit more gore.

Worth a watch


End credits:

Fun facts:
There are three characters in the movie named Marv, Stan and Lee, which is a nod to Marvel creator Stan Lee. Coincidentally, Sam Raimi, who produced this film, directed three Spider-Man films.

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