Movie Review For 1917 In Cinemas Now 2020


This is my review on the movie 1917 2020

No.04 Cinema

Two young British soldiers during the First World War are given an impossible mission: deliver a message deep in enemy territory that will stop 1,600 men, and one of the soldiers’ brothers, from walking straight into a deadly trap.

I go to the cinema a lot and over the years I’ve seen some amazing movies but none that had the effect this had, from a budding film maker the cinematography in this movie blew me away.
To shoot the entire film as a one take shot is ground breaking and looks stunning.
The story is so intense and keeps you hooked from the start to the very end.
Hats off to everyone involved, this must of been so hard to do and the director, actors and camera guys absolutely smashed it.
Saving private Ryan will always be my favourite war movie but this come a very close second.

Cinematography at it’s very best


End credits:

Fun facts:
Inspired by Sam Mendes’ grandfather’s experiences in WWI: “The Autobiography of Alfred H. Mendes 1897-1991.”

Over 5,200 feet of trenches were dug for the film (just under one mile).

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Saving Private Ryan, Hacksaw Ridge,

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